Saturday, April 12, 2008

#78--Sing On The Corner of a Busy Street

During the middle of the birthday party, it was *so* hot. We decided to get some air, so we went outside, and it was raining slightly. I decided that I really, really wanted to do something in the rain, so a bunch of us thought that we'd cross off #78. Just then, it started POURING rain, and everyone wimped out and headed back inside. I was pretty adamant about doing it, though, so I was going to do it regardless. One person was going to make sure he saw me cross off a life goal, however.

Together, we went out to the street corner in the downpour and stood underneath the stop sign. I sang "Summertime," more to him, really, than to the world. We were both shivering because the rain was freezing cold and we were wearing party-clothes. Since it was about 1:30am, the street wasn't very busy, but I'm crossing this one off anyway.

When we came back inside, we were soaked to the bone. My hair got majorly frizzy and my make-up was running everywhere, but I didn't care at all because I had such an amazing and unforgettable time.

This one was a ton of fun, and I can't wait to do more like it. As we were heading back inside, he said "I'm glad I got to help you accomplish a life goal." I'm so lucky to have friends like these.

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