Monday, January 18, 2010

#2--Feed a Hungry Person

Sorry for not updating in so long, so I'll make a few posts with the things I've done!

On my way back from class in November, I passed by a Subway and realized I was really hungry. I decided to stop in, and saw a clearly homeless man sitting on the sidewalk outside. It was below freezing, and he was shivering. I didn't have a coat to give him, or anything, but I awkwardly asked if he'd like something to eat.

He was completely appreciative, and I got him a toasted sub in an attempt to warm him up as well as feed him. Anyway, I know I only helped a tiny bit, but it made me feel good. He probably won't remember me, but that's okay.

Since I can't remember the exact date, I'll just put November 2009 :)

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