Saturday, June 20, 2009

#69--Do Something Worthy

It took a while for me to think about what I consider to be something "worthy." I was pretty sure, though, that when I did it, I would know.

In May, I started working at Planned Parenthood as an EMT/Health Center Assistant. Every day, I work with other amazing people trying to reduce the cost of contraceptives, educate people about safe sex, identify and treat STIs, and generally advocate for quality reproductive health care.

Sometimes it's difficult work. Being stared down or yelled at by protesters is never fun, nor is it easy to see women making tough decisions. But I know that I'm doing a good thing, and I know my effort is making a difference. Never have I been more proud of what I do, though.

1 comment:

Monocle Barbie said...

that is wonderful, thanks.